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The upheavals in the fishing industry, particularly the shrimp industry, are affecting many people. Convergence is proud to introduce its new psychosocial outreach worker for the fishing industry: Patrick Jacques. Patrick has a wealth of experience in intervention, notably as an outreach worker for the RCM of La Côte-de-Gaspé, and is an open-minded, attentive, and committed individual.

His new position was created under a tripartite agreement with Convergence, the RCM of La Côte-de-Gaspé (as part of the Integrated Approach to Social Development in La Côte-de-Gaspé), and the Public Health Department of the CISSS de la Gaspésie.

As a psychosocial outreach worker, Patrick Jacques is in charge of providing specific support to people affected by fisheries-related issues in the Côte-de-Gaspé RCM. As part of his mandate, he also works closely with local organizations to provide better support and tools for people whose lives have been weakened by this situation.

Convergence invites people who feel impacted by the difficulties experienced in the fishing industry and who need help to contact: 855 866-4455 Cell: 418-967-8990

It’s the launch of

Reach out to men like you. Have a positive impact on your health and well-being, as well as that of those around you. To raise awareness of men’s realities in the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands. These are the objectives of this website that we are launching now. Because what men go through deserves to be talked about.

Have you seen our poster, our coaster or our flyer? We are promoting this site all over the Gaspé Peninsula and the Magdalen Islands. And we invite you to spread the word! Share with your friends and family, or broadcast our video.