Living my best life
We all want to be the best version of ourselves. To feel good. And for men, there are plenty of tips, resources and tools that exist to give you a boost.
That’s what you’ll find here. Simple tips. Useful references to resources. Interesting information about men’s realities. Simply put, it’s about living your life to the fullest!
CISSS de la Gaspésie et des Îles
The CISSS de la Gaspésie and the CISSS des Îles, partners in men’s health and well-being
What is the Table de concertation sur les réalités masculines GÎM?
The Table de concertation sur les réalités masculines de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine (GÎM) brings together organizations that care about the health and well-being of men.
Territory served
Territory served
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In the spotlight
For the Well-Being of People in the Fishing Industry
Patrick Jacques is empathetic, motivated, and a good listener. He’s probably the very first “dock worker” in Quebec. What does his work involve? How does he support fishers, the fishing industry, and those around them? And what’s his advice for reducing anxiety and helping us take care of ourselves? We caught up with him to find out.